Grow Your Fallowers With - merchhub


15 October, 2018

Grow Your Fallowers With is an all in one Twitter and Facebook dashboard that’s going to take your Twitter insight and use to the next level several different ways. The bottom line is that if you use Twitter for your business, or if you have clients that use Twitter for their business, you can’t go wrong with’s services. In fact, can probably make your life a whole lot easier by not only saving you time, but enabling you to tap into your Twitter universe using both hands so you can create powerful relationships, thank your brand ambassadors and influencers, get more clients and followers, and know exactly who you should follow (and even unfollow).

What is is the Easiest way to drive traffic, increase fan engagement, grow followers/likes and save time on social media. Quickly identify valuable people in your Twitter community that you were neglecting to engage because of all the noise in your stream. categorizes people in 3 groups: Influencers, Supporters & Engaged Members. Judged by followers/following ratio, your engagement history, retweets & brand mentions.

How does work? 

On start up, the system links to your twitter account (we used the free trial which is limited to one twitter profile). Followers and relationships are then brought in to the system for more detailed analysis under main headings; relationships, followers, engagement, new leads, groups and more.

Manage Followers 

There are a number of options for follows and unfollows, I found out that I was not following many of my top supporters by using this area, some were deleted by accident and some I just thought I was following so a good tool to have.
  • Consider following: Consider following these members. Their engagement level, influence level and relevance to you make them good prospects for follow.
  • Consider to unfollow: These members make good candidates for unfollow. Members with low engagement level with you, and low influence level appear higher on the list.  
  • New Followers: These people started following you recently.  
  • New Unfollows: These people stopped following recently.


The way mentions work is by showing you people based on their recent tweets or most used hashtags. These are listed by relevance depending on the tweet itself. Here's how you find new leads: After that, simply add the hashtags or keywords you want to discover.
This tool gives you the all-time Top 10 hashtags related to #yourhashtag. Member Categories has a special algorithm that scans your social network to determine the relevance of followers and members. You can analyze and manage relationships, followers, groups, monitor engagements, and discover leads. The beauty of is that it identifies and classifies members into 3 categories; high-value members, influencers, and supporters. Here’s a breakdown of the 3 key groups.
High-value members: are core members in your Twitter community. It comprises people who engage with you on a regular basis and those who support and promote via their social networks. 
Influencers: these are the top influencers in your Twitter community. In other words, these are people who rally others within your community. uses a special algorithm to determine influencers. 
Supporters: essentially, these are people who share and spread your content by retweeting or sharing links to your latest content. They can increase your visibility and attract more people to your social network.

Who Is Ideal For? is for absolutely anyone who uses Twitter or Facebook for their business, or even for Twitter power users who want to take their interaction to the next level. 
So if you’re a blogger, an authority website owner, a social media guru, (or even a social media nerd), a coach, a consultant, someone who works at or operates within a social media agency, or anyone who could benefit from using Twitter or Facebook at all, then can absolutely benefit you tremendously.


I'm so glad I took the time to work with It is most definitely one of the top tools I use to manage my social networks, and the only one that facilities managing community and engagement. So, what do you think? Are you convinced? Do you already use As always, let me know in the comments.

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