10 Benefits Of Resistance Loop + Gift - merchhub


23 October, 2018

10 Benefits Of Resistance Loop + Gift

Resistance training is a great way of increasing muscle as it works against a particular weight or force. There are many forms of resistance training such as weight training either using free weights or weight machines, resistance bands or your own body weight. Below are the top 10 benefits of resistance training and why you should incorporate it in your next Fit n Fast gym session.

1. Get a cost-effective workout

Whether you buy them individually or as a set, resistance bands are an inexpensive addition to your home gym equipment. Some resistance bands are even are sold with a guided exercise DVD.

2. Adaptable for Multiple Fitness Levels 

Whether you're a beginner or an expert, resistance bands are for you. They come in a variety of resistances, including light, medium and heavy, and you can further adjust the intensity of your resistance-band workouts by giving the band more or less slack. You can even use multiple bands at once to increase the challenge.

3.easy to use 

You can use them just about anywhere and are great for travel. No excuses not to exercise on a business trip or vacation.

4 You will feel better in the morning: 

Sometimes, it’s daunting to think about getting in a full body workout at the very beginning of the day. But since resistance bands are smaller in size, you can keep some right in the drawer of your nightstand. In the morning, you can use the bands to get in a quick pump or stretch and get that blood flowing before your day starts. You’ll get addicted to doing that.

5. It helps to slim the body 

Muscles are denser than fat so taking up weight lifting may make you put on weight, but one pound of fat takes up 18 per cent more space on your body than one pound of muscle so it will still get you into those skinny jeans.


6. Low Cost

When it comes to purchasing fitness equipment, the dollars can quickly add up. A full set of weights can cost you hundreds. Most resistance bands cost between $10–$30, depending on size, type, and brand.

7. Excellent for Traveling 

Resistance bands are lightweight and easily portable. You can stash them in your suitcase when traveling and use them to get a good workout right in your hotel room.

8. You’ll punch muscle memory in the face

When working out, it’s important to not do the same workout every day, over and over again. You won’t build as much muscle that way! By incorporating resistance bands into some of your favorite moves, you’ll trick your muscles without feeling like you’re doing anything that different. That’s less work, and better results for you!

9. Lift for a fit heart

Lifting weights has been found to have a positive effect on blood pressure. Three total-body weight workouts a week is enough to reduce the risk of a stroke by 40 per cent and the chance of a heart attack by 15 per cent.

10. Boost your bones 

Bone health declines with age, but weight lifting can help stem the decline and even reverse it. A US study found that four months of resistance training increased hip-bone density and boosted levels of osteocalcin — a protein in the blood linked to bone growth — by 20 per cent


As you can see, there are many advantages that you get from using Resistance Bands, The benefits of resistance bands will make you a happier, healthier, and stronger person, not to mention that they are cheap and extremely convenient too.


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